AKA White House - Wikipedia
AKA White House is a luxury extended stay hotel owned by Korman Communities located at 1710 H Street NW in Washington, D.C., in the United States. The operator is AKA, the extended-stay hotel brand owned by Korman Communities. ... Read Article
The Judiciary Fiscal Year 2019 Congressional Budget Summary
Cybersecurity activities, the national space reduction program, and emergency repairs to the façade of the Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building in Washington, DC, which houses the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the U.S. Sentencing Commission, and the Federal Judicial Center. ... Retrieve Content
If We’re Going To Waste Billions On A Wall, Let Those Billions Be Trump’s
President Trump wants a wall. Democratic lawmakers don’t want to pay for it. ... Read News
CBRE Cap Rate SuRvey - F.tlcollect.com
The focus on Washington DC and Manhattan which accounted for more than 40% of all sales in 2011. For the year, the volume of office transactions rent pressure can be expected. Rents grew at an almost 5% pace in 2011 versus 1.4% for 2010. the sale of high-rise assets accounted for roughly ... View Doc
FORM 1 - Dhcd.dc.gov
The District of Columbia’s Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will accept delivery on behalf of the Mayor at the address listed on the bottom of FORM 2. If you are eligible for rights under TOPA, you will receive a written Offer of Sale from the Landlord; examples of said form are located on the DHCD website at dhcd.dc.gov ... Document Viewer
London Drive 4K - Christmas Lights - UK - YouTube
Thursday night Drive in London's West End, the main commercial and entertainment center of the city. Highlights include Europe's busiest shopping street Oxford Street, luxury shops along Bond ... View Video
Driving Downtown - Arlington 4K - USA - YouTube
Driving Downtown Streets - Clarendon Boulevard - Arlington Virginia USA - Episode 49. stands atop a hill overlooking Washington, DC. President John F. Kennedy is buried in Arlington National ... View Video
COMMERCIAL RETAIL SPACE - Images1.loopnet.com
WASHINGTON, DC 20017 • Brookland Center • 4400 SQFT. 3730 10TH ST NE office uses • Shell Condition • Approved Plans COMMERCIAL RETAIL SPACE 11 Dupont Circle Ste 650 Washington, DC 20036 • 202. 518. 8781 1108 H Street NE, 2nd Floor Washington, DC 20002 • 240. 235. 9823 ... Retrieve Full Source
Commercial Real Estate Market Trends: Q4.2016 Commercial space is heavily concentrated in large buildings, but large buildings are a relatively small number of the overall stock of Office Class A($/SF) $135 Office Class BC ($/SF) $93 ... Read Here
Case Study: 100 Montgomery Street - Cbre.com
Faced with limited relocation options, but just as importantly, presented with a demonstrably market based proposal to retain critical office space, GSA moved quickly to reach a deal with the Landlord. Key to this was the support the Region 9 Office received from GSA’s Headquarters in DC. ... Content Retrieval
Washington, DC 20405 . PBS 7025.2 September 25, 2018 . GSA ORDER . the PBS Office of Portfolio Management and Customer Engagement. b. After receiving the request and supporting documentation, the PBS Office of review all Rent exempt space and submit a report to the Commissioner that ... Access Document
2018 FINALISTS - washington.uli.org
A prime location in the Atlas District of Washington, DC. Dittos’s approach at OSLO was to create a subject to rent control. The acquisition was financed, in part, by DC’s Department of Housing retail and office space. The Ten’s range of unique ... Doc Viewer
Table Of Contents - Lpcwashingtondc.com
The Washington, DC Metropolitan commercial real . estate market is comprised of approximately 421.9 million square feet of rentable office space located in the District of Columbia, Northern Virginia, and Suburban Maryland. The total vacancy rate decreased to 14.4% at the end the third quarter 2018, down from 14.6% at the . end of the second ... Read Full Source
United States Government Accountability Office Washington, DC ...
Washington, DC 20548 United States Government Accountability Office B-321387 . March 30, 2011 Master Agreement consists of 100,000 square feet of existing facility space, as well as (Escrow Agreement). No annual rent or supplemental rent had been paid to the Army as of November 10, 2010. 8. ... Return Doc
The undersigned hereby certifies the following to the Mayor of the District of Columbia: 1. That on _____at_____a.m./p.m. [circle one], I delivered envelopes addressed to each tenant identified on the list attached to this Affidavit as Exhibit A to a U.S. Postal Service employee at the U.S. Post Office located at ... Access Doc
OFFICE OF CHIEF COUNSEL DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE WASHINGTON, DC 20224 September 20, 1999 Number: 199948040 CC:DOM:IT&A:2 pad space rent in its gross income under § 61(a)(5). See Rev. Rul. 76-75, 1976-1 C.B. ... Read More
30-DAY NONPAYMENT NOTICE TO QUIT . INSTRUCTIONS. the Tenant’s failure to pay rent . unless. your Tenant gave up the right to receive this Notice in writing, usually in a written lease. served. Then, in the space provided after “Explanations and Descriptions” you ... Document Retrieval
The District of Columbia Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) public space, rent control, professional and business licenses, and building, health and fire code violations. OAH enhances the quality Washington, DC 20001 . Phone: 202-442-9094 . ... Retrieve Here
Suburban Maryland Quarterly Market Report
The Washington, DC Metropolitan commercial real estate market is comprised of approximately 421.9 million square feet of rentable office space located in the District of Columbia, Northern Virginia, and Suburban Maryland. The total vacancy rate decreased to 14.4% at the end the third quarter 2018, down from 14.6% at the end of the second quarter. ... Fetch This Document
Faces Of The Shutdown: In Second Week, More People Impacted By Closed Agencies
Federal employees and contractors say they are worried about money or the delays the shutdown could cause their work. Businesses say shuttered federal agencies cause delays. Have you or your ... Read News
The Number Of Occupied Apartment Units In DC - Office Of The ...
DC Economic and Revenue Trends: October 2017 11 DC Office of Revenue Analysis Inventory, occupied space, and rents increased over the past year According to CoStar, for the the 12-month period ending September occupied office space increased by 0.58 million sq. ft. from the prior year. ... Get Content Here
Woodrow Wilson International Center For Scholars - Wikipedia
The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (or Wilson Center), located in Washington, D.C., a federal office building where the Center enjoys a 30-year rent-free lease. The remainder of the Center's funding comes from foundations, grants and contracts, corporations, individuals ... Read Article
Total rentable space : a. general purpose (office) b. warehouse . c. other : 1b. building address . 2b. total include in shell rent and provide current year statement the offeror agrees upon acceptanceof this proposal by the herein specified date, to lease to the district of columbia ... Fetch Doc
4. Tenant used space heaters to heat the rental unit some of which were supplied by Housing Provider. Tenant used the space heaters in April 2009. PXs 100, 103, 104 and 107. 5. Because of the problems with the heat, Housing Provider gave Tenant a rent credit of $250 for both November and December of2007. ... View Full Source
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